Phd in Electric Power Systems - Master in Electric Power Systems - Master in Industrial Economics
Participation in Projects
ECEMF - European Climate and Energy Modelling Forum
- 2021-2025
- Overall budget: € 5 011 580
ARIADNE - Paths to climate neutrality by 2045
NAVIGATE - Next generation of advanced IAM to support climate policy making
- 2019-2023
- Overall budget: € 6 998 342,50
INNOPATHS - Innovation pathways, strategies and policies for the Low-Carbon Transition in Europe
- 2016-2021
- Overall budget: € 6 345 578,75
ENAVI - Energy Transition Navigation System
DEEDS - DialoguE on European Decarbonisation Strategies
- 2017-2020
- Overall budget: 2 993 831,25
Economic and regulatory analysis for an active demand management
- Funding Entity: Consorcio GAD
- Length: from Jan/2007 to Dec/2010
- Responsible researcher: Pedro Linares Llamas
- Number of participating researchers: 7
Escenarios Post-2012 y politicas contra el cambio climatico en España
- Funding Entity: Spanish Government
- Project Reference: ECO2009-14586-C02-01 (subprograma ECON)
- Length: from Jun/2009 to Jun/2012
- Responsible researcher: Xavier Labandeira Villot
- Number of participating researchers: 10
Observatorio de energía y sostenabilidad de España 2010-2012
- Funding Entity: BP
- Length: anual since 2010
- Responsible researcher: José Ignácio Perez Arriaga and Pedro Linares Llamas
- Number of participating researchers: 7
ENERGOS: Technologies for the automatic and intelligent management of future distribution networks
- Funding Entity: Uni�n Fenosa Distribuci�n
- Participating Entities: Gas Natural, Indra, SAC, ZIV, DIMAT, Ormazabal, Outros
- Length: 2008-2013
Active distribution networks with full integration of demand and distributed energy resources
- Funding Entity: European Union
- Participating Entities: ENEL, EDF, Iberdrola, ABB, U. Manchester, VTT, VITO,...
- Length: 2007-2010